Individualised, effective interventions.

I'm Allison, and I'm committed to making a difference in the lives of my clients and their families by teaching skills to help them thrive and meet their goals.

a photo of Allison Lozes, Behaviour Therapist smiling at the camera
a photo of Allison Lozes, Behaviour Therapist smiling at the camera

Allison Lozes, Certified Behaviour Analyst

Servicing children, teens, and young adults.

photo of a therapist and child working together on identifying emotions
photo of a therapist and child working together on identifying emotions
A photo of the therapist watching two boys playing scissors, paper, rock
A photo of the therapist watching two boys playing scissors, paper, rock
Therapist building a block tower with two sisters
Therapist building a block tower with two sisters
banner graphic of children and families happily walking, holding hands and jumping
banner graphic of children and families happily walking, holding hands and jumping